Programming For All Athletes
Competitive Athletes
Everyday Athletes
Fit Parents
Affiliate Owners

Rob Trevino, Military
A thoughtfully constructed program, Ben's Essential Framework allows me to continue to improve my metabolic conditioning, gymnastic, and weightlifting capacities given my lifestyle. Although I only started following the program a little over a month ago, already I am seeing tangible improvements in my performance without an increase in time I dedicate to fitness each week.

Rob Schneider, Self Employed
I’ve only been in a week and have really loved the programming and additional support available, such as emails, BTWB and the Facebook Page. I was pretty into competing for the last few years but since having a family I’ve taken the gas pedal off a bit to enjoy more family time. Which is why I decided to do the essential framwork program. It says it will only take 60-90 mins and its been spot on.

Nadia Yangui, NICU Nurse
I have been on the Ben's Blueprint program for about two years now. When I started this program I had the goal to be a regional level athlete, sitting over 100th in my region. I scaled both volume and weight in order to complete the sessions to the intensity required. I just recently qualified for West Regionals, 10th in my region!

Ben Alderman, Affiliate Owner
As a competitive athlete it is important to me to have a program that is adequate to keep up with my competitive needs. At the same time I am a father, husband, and business owner so, it is a necessity that I maximize my time. Following the Blueprint allows me not to have to take additional time and energy away from my other endeavors to create my own workouts. It has been a great investment.

Patrick Treiber, Student
My training partner and I have been following Ben's Blueprint for more than 6 month now. If you want to compete on a regular basis in CrossFit competitions, do the AM and PM sessions offered and you'll experience tremendous progress. The program is also super partner friendly. Partner workouts are programmed regularly which is great for an added push and some extra fun! Ben Smith and his team are also always answering my questions promptly and with detail.